What information is required on the physician certification form?
The Physician Certification Form is posted on the Department’s website at https://medicalmarijuana.mo.gov. The following information is required: qualifying patient information, physician information, qualifying medical condition, physician attestation and...
I want a cultivator license and have a caregiver. Are we both required to apply for cultivator licenses?
No. In the qualifying patient/caregiver relationship, only the patient or the caregiver may obtain a cultivator license, but not both.
Can I have a medical marijuana identification card and own and/or purchase guns?
Article XIV of the Missouri Constitution, which authorizes medical use of marijuana in Missouri, does not reference or prohibit the possession or purchase of firearms. However, federal law still may prohibit the possession or purchase of a firearm by individuals who...
Can someone with an out-of-state medical marijuana card or physician certification possess medical marijuana in Missouri?
Section 5(1) of Article XIV provides that a person who produces an “equivalent identification card or authorization issued by another state or political subdivision of another state†will not be subject to arrest or other sanctions under Missouri law for...
Can I contact the Department of Health and Senior Services with more questions?
Yes. Email your inquires to [email protected]
Can a qualifying patient under the age of 18 obtain a cultivation license?
No, unless the qualifying patient under the age of 18 is emancipated. Only a parent or guardian who holds a primary caregiver identification card may obtain a cultivation license for a non-emancipated qualifying patient under the age of 18.
Can I visit a doctor now to obtain certification for my qualifying condition?
Yes. However, the physician certification must be no more than thirty (30) days old at the time you apply for a patient identification card or renewal card.
What conditions qualify?
Cancer; Epilepsy; Glaucoma; Intractable migraines unresponsive to other treatment; A chronic medical condition that causes severe, persistent pain or persistent muscle spasms, including but not limited to those associated with multiple sclerosis, seizures,...
Can anyone other than a state-licensed physician (MD) or osteopath (DO) provide a physician certification?
No. Only a state-licensed physician (MD) or osteopath (MO) can provide a physician certification for medical marijuana.
What is a primary caregiver?
Someone who is: Twenty-one (21) years of age or older; Responsible for managing the well-being of a Qualified Patient; and Designated on the primary caregiver’s application for an identification card or in other written notification to the department.