![Qualifying Conditions [Depression]](https://i0.wp.com/missourigreendoctors.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/Qualifying-Conditions_image.png?resize=1080%2C675&ssl=1)
Qualifying Conditions [Depression]
Research on the use of medical cannabis for depression is still in its early stages, but there is growing evidence to suggest that it may be a viable treatment option for some individuals. Here are some of the ways that medical cannabis may help with depression:

How To Make: Medical Cannabis-Infused Chocolate Chip Cookies
A simple, easy to bake medical cookie recipe
![Qualifying Conditions [Anorexia]](https://i0.wp.com/missourigreendoctors.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/anorexia-001-tease-today-160804.webp?resize=700%2C394&ssl=1)
Qualifying Conditions [Anorexia]
Studies show medical cannabis may have potential benefits in the treatment of anorexia, particularly in its ability to stimulate appetite, reduce anxiety and depression, and improve sleep.
![Growing At Home [Getting Started]](https://i0.wp.com/missourigreendoctors.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/22.jpg?resize=768%2C675&ssl=1)
Growing At Home [Getting Started]
In Missouri, you can legally grow up to six plants for personal use, provided that you are 21 years of age or older.

Medical vs. Recreational
In conclusion, while the legalization of recreational cannabis may present some challenges for the medical cannabis industry, there are also several factors that suggest the industry will continue to thrive.

7 Reasons To Get Your Medical Cannabis Card In Missouri
Obtaining a medical cannabis card also gives you the added benefit of a doctor’s prescription, making it a legal way to access the medicinal plant.
![Chronic Pain and Cannabis [video]](https://i0.wp.com/missourigreendoctors.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/monday_002.jpg?resize=768%2C675&ssl=1)
Chronic Pain and Cannabis [video]
Do you suffer from chronic pain? Are you looking for a natural way to manage your symptoms? If so, then Missouri Green Doctors can help. We offer medical cannabis card registration to people in Missouri who suffer from chronic pain. Our doctors are highly qualified and experienced in providing medical cannabis evaluations and certifications.
![‘Off-Duty Use’ Workplace Rights and Cannabis [Missouri]](https://i0.wp.com/missourigreendoctors.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/pexels-alesia-kozik-8326554-scaled.jpg?resize=1080%2C675&ssl=1)
‘Off-Duty Use’ Workplace Rights and Cannabis [Missouri]
Medical Card holders can not be discriminated against for legally using lawful medical marijuana off-premises and outside work hours; or for testing positive for medical marijuana.Your employer can prohibit the possession, use, or being under the influence of cannabis...
Over 200,000 active Missouri medical marijuana patients
Since Missouri voters chose to legalize medical cannabis 2018, over 200, 000 citizens have obtained medical cards. Accoriding to MoCannTrade, Missouri medical card holderrs have spent $494,139,809 in medical marijuana since N'Bliss, the first dispensary opened in St....
Dispensary Licensing In Missouri
Dispensary Regulations Currently the total number of dispensaries allowed to operate in Missouri is 192. In addition, licenses issued in the districts is limited to 24. October 17, 2020, saw the opening of the first medical marijuana dispensary in Missouri. By the...