If I have a patient license from another state, can I purchase medical marijuana in Missouri?
No. There is no reciprocity between Missouri’s Medical Marijuana Program and other state medical marijuana programs. Just because you are licensed in another state doesn’t automatically qualify you for a license in Missouri. Patients may purchase medical marijuana...
If I have a past conviction for possession, can I still receive a patient license for purchase and/or home grow?
Yes. Previous convictions do not disqualify an individual from obtaining an identification card. However, a qualifying patient’s identification may be revoked for certain criminal conduct that occurs after the card is issued. See 19 CSR 30-95.030(3)(B) for more...
Do I have to pay taxes on medical marijuana purchases?
Yes. Dispensaries are required to charge four percent of the retail price in additional to any other applicable state or local taxes.
Does the department have a list of physicians who will certify medical marijuana?
No. At this time, there are not yet any licensed Missouri dispensaries.
Does the department have a list of dispensaries?
No. At this time, there are not yet any licensed Missouri dispensaries.
How much medical marijuana can I buy?
The qualifying patient’s physician may certify up to four ounces of dried, unprocessed marijuana, or its equivalent, in a 30-day period. If there is a compelling reason why the qualifying patient needs a greater amount, then the Department requires two independent...
If I have a patient cultivation card, where do I find seeds or plants until dispensaries open?
The department cannot advise anyone on where to obtain the means to grow marijuana.
Can I grow my own marijuana plants?
Yes, upon receipt of a patient cultivation identification card. There is an additional $100 fee to grow up to six flowering plants per patient and security regulations that must be followed. See 19 CSR 30-95.030(4) for more information.
Can I consume medical marijuana and drive?
The patient identification card does not offer individuals protections from violating laws pertaining to operating a motorized vehicle while under the influence. Nothing in Article XIV permits a person to operate, navigate, or be in actual physical control of any...

Missouri Medical Marijuana & Tarlov cysts
Having Tarlov cysts is a qualifying condition for Medical Marijuana Patient ID Cards in Missouri.