Missouri Medical Marijuana Card Annual Renewal

Is your Missouri Medical Marijuana Patient Card coming due for the annual renewal? You will need to book a Missouri Green Doctor’s appointment to get new Recommendation for Certification paperwork in order to re-apply with the MO Department of Health and Senior Services.
Renewals can be done via a TeleMed Appointment over Video Chat for $149. Your medical records are still on file so you will not need to upload new medical records unless you have new conditions the Doctor should know about.
You will be asked to fill out your contact information and select an appointment date and time. You then will be taken to the Payment tab. After you submit your payment, you will be sent two emails. One for your Payment Receipt and one for your Appointment Confirmation with the Video Chat Link.
When it is time for your appointment, you will follow the Video Chat link that is sent out in the Appointment Confirmation email. You will need to access that link from a computer, laptop, tablet or smart phone that has video and audio capabilities enabled.
After the appointment, if approved, you will be emailed the required Physician Recommendation for Certification. You will upload this paperwork on the DHSS website when re-applying for a Patient ID with the State of Missouri.